act什么意思怎么读 act怎么说
Lesson 2 思维导图速记以词根act为中心的65个高考词汇
词根act/ag 行动,做,表演
action 行动 n. (act 行动 + ion 名词后缀)
actor 演员 n. (act 表演 + or 指人名词后缀)
actress 女演员 n. (act +r 连接作用 + ess 指女性)
interact 相互影响 v. (inter=beteen 互相 + act 动 )
interaction 相互影响 n. (interact + ion 名词后缀)
active 积极的,活跃的 adj. (act 动 + ive 形容词后缀→好动的)
inactive 不活跃的 adj. (in=not 否定前缀 + active)
activity 活动 n. (active + ity 名词后缀)
activate 激活,激起 v. (activ + ate 动词后缀“使”→使活跃)
react 反应 v. (re=back 回+ act 动作→动作返回的后果)
reaction 反应 n. (react + ion 名词后缀)
reactor 反应装置n. (react + or 指物名词后缀)
exact 准确的 adj. (ex=out 出+ act→按要求做出动作)
exactly准确地 adv. (ly 副词后缀)
actual 实际的 adj. (act + u 连接作用+al 形容词后缀→实际行动的)
actually 实际上 adv.
actualize 使实现v. (actual + ize 动词后缀“使”→使成为实际)
agent 代理人,中介n. (ag=act 行动 + ent 指人名词后缀→替人行动)
agency 代理处,中介机构n. (ag + ency 名词后缀)
action: ac-tion
actor: ac-tor
actress : ac-tress
interact: in-te-ract
interaction: in-te-rac-tion
active: ac-tive
inactive: i-nac-tive
activity: ac-ti-vi-ty
activate: ac-ti-vate
react: re-act
reaction: re-ac-tion
reactor: re-ac-tor
exact : ek-zact (x=kz/ks)
actual : ac-tual
actualize: ac-tua-lize
agent: a-gent
agency: a-gen-cy
activate: ac-ti-vate
stir: (bird; third)
stimulate: sti-mu-late
precise: pre-cise
aurate: a-cu-rate
correct: co-rrect
acplish: a-c-plish
realize: rea-lize
behavior: be-ha-vior
implement: im-ple-ment
execute: ek-se-cute (x=ks)
1. A good teacher can _______(active)the studying interest of students.
2. He _____ (act) a famous scientist in this film.
(解析根据语境,应填acts,表示扮演act=to perform a part in a play or film/movie)
3. The elevator can _____ (active) by this button.
(解析动词activate=to make a device start orking, 根据语境,填被动式be activated)
4. I ant to _____ (actual) my potential.
(解析根据语境,表达实现潜能,故填actualize=make sth. real)
1. 抗击冠状病毒的活动激起了中国人的爱国热诚。(activate; inspire; kindle)
Fighting Covid-19 has activated our patriotic passion.The movement has kindled Chinese enthusiam of patriotism for fighting against the coronavirus.2. 只有努力学习我们才有可能实现自己的梦想。(realize; fulfill; achieve)
Only by orking hard can e realize our dream.It is by orking hard that e can fulfill our aim.3. 这次比赛的胜利主要就是球员正确执行了教练的战术。
We have on the petition because the players have implemented the tactics of the coach.The reason hy e have on the game is that the players executed hat the coach instructed. The victory shos the fact that the players have strictly carried out the instructions of the coach.温馨提示
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