"Night gathers, and no my atch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no ife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall ear no crons and in no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sord in the darkness. I am the atcher on the alls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dan, the horn that akes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to e."
("Night gathers, and no my atch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no ife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall ear no crons and in no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sord in the darkness. I am the atcher on the alls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dan, the horn that akes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to e.")
???????? Night atcher sear("Night gathers, and no my atch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no ife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall ear no crons and in no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sord in the darkness. I am the atcher on the alls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dan, the horn that akes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to e.")
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