生活常识 2023-03-10 20:03www.188915.com生活常识
材料/工具西红柿、鸡蛋方法- 1First of all, ash the tomatoes and put them in boiling ater for a hile to remove the skin. Then cut into small squares and set aside.
- 2Prepare the eggs and put them into a bol. After beating, add a little salt and a little ater inside. Add ater to make the eggs tender and smooth. Then use chopsticks to stir, bubble can, standby.
- 3prepare scallion, cut into scallion, set aside.pot oil, oil temperature 70% heat, put into the beaten egg liquid, stir fry, do not fry too long, fried old ill affect the taste.
- 4Leave some oil in the pot, put in the tomatoes, stir fry over high heat, put a little sugar, can neutralize the sour taste of tomatoes. Stir fry the ater out of the tomatoes.before the pot, put in the eggs, stir fry evenly, add some salt, onion can be.
- 1First of all, ash the tomatoes and put them in boiling ater for a hile to remove the skin. Then cut into small squares and set aside.
- 2Prepare the eggs and put them into a bol. After beating, add a little salt and a little ater inside. Add ater to make the eggs tender and smooth. Then use chopsticks to stir, bubble can, standby.
- 3prepare scallion, cut into scallion, set aside.pot oil, oil temperature 70% heat, put into the beaten egg liquid, stir fry, do not fry too long, fried old ill affect the taste.
- 4Leave some oil in the pot, put in the tomatoes, stir fry over high heat, put a little sugar, can neutralize the sour taste of tomatoes. Stir fry the ater out of the tomatoes.before the pot, put in the eggs, stir fry evenly, add some salt, onion can be.
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