商标注册在提出申请之,需提示一份已在美国地区使用之证明,如无使用证明,则必需在申请之后注册之前,宣誓注册后将如何使用,及已在美国地区使用之证明证明文件。商标种类(正商标)表示自己经营的商品、并有使用的意愿,专用商标者应办理申请注册。 服务标记不是表示商品,而是表示所提供之服务。美国商标注册分类美国商标采用国际分类。美国商标申请时间美国商标申请约 12 ~ 18 个月。美国商标注册专用时间自注册日之日起十年,到期后要申请延续注册。
03一、US Class [US] 美国商标分类This field contains the US class information. You are advised to include any numeric class in quotes. For example , the search "022"[US] might be performed to search for marks in US class 022 [Games, Toys, and Sporting Goods].US Classes and Short Titles001 Ra or Partly Prepared Materials002 Receptacles003 Baggage Animal Equipments, Portfolios and Pocketbooks004 Abrasives and Polishing Materials005 Adhesives006 Chemicals and Chemical Compositions007 Cordage008 Smokers' Articles, Not Including Tobao Products009 Explosives, Firearms, Equipments and Projectiles010 Fertilizers011 Inks and Inking Materials012 Construction Materials013 Hardare, Plumbing and Steamfitting Supplies014 Metals, Metal Castings and Fings015 Oils and Greases016 Protective and Decorative Coatings017 Tobao Products018 Medicines and Pharmaceutical Preparations019 Vehicles020 Linoleum and Oiled Cloth021 Electrical Apparatus, Machines and Supplies022 Games, Toys and Sporting Good023 Cutlery, Machinery, Tools and Parts Thereof024 Laundry Appliances and Machines025 Locks and Safes026 Measuring and Scientific Appliances027 Horological Instruments028 Jeelry and Precious-metal Ware029 Brooms, Brushes and Dusters030 Crockery, Earthenare and Porcelain031 Filters and Refrigerators032 Furniture and Upholstery033 Glassare034 Heating, Lighting and Ventilating Apparatus035 Belting, Hose, Machinery Packing and Non-Metallic Tires036 Musical Instruments and Supplies037 Paper and Stationery038 Prints and Publications039 Clothing040 Fancy Goods, Furnishings and Notions041 Canes, Parasols and Umbrellas042 Knitted, Netted and Textile Fabrics and Substitutes043 Thread and Yarn044 Dental, Medical and Surgical Appliances045 Soft Drinks and Carbonated Waters046 Foods and Ingredients of Foods047 Wines048 Malt Beverages and Liquors049 Distilled Alcoholic Liquors050 Merchandise Not Otherise Classified051 Cosmetics and Toilet Preparations052 Detergents and Soaps100 Miscellaneous101 Advertising and Business102 Insurance and Financial103 Construction and Repair104 Communication105 Transportation and Storage106 Material Treatment107 Education and Entertainment200 COLLECTIVE MEMBERSHIPA GOODS CERTIFICATION MARKB SERVICES CERTIFICATION MARK
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