英雄联盟战歌(英雄联盟战歌silver scrapes)
最著名的是bo5战歌 s2的决赛摇头曲silver scrapes 无论任何赛区什么比赛只要打满bo5都会放 !而且这首歌也是e鏖战10小时的背景音乐
silver scrapes
《银痕 Silver Scrapes》
作者Danny McCarthy
《hat Really Happened》
作者Mark Petrie
《You Will Remember》
作者Marius De Le Mer
我是游戏问答专业户莫大,祝您生活愉快,快乐游戏!原创内容手打不易,请大家不要忘记给个赞点个关注哟!谢谢三、lol s11战歌台词?
This ain't here the legends e from
You're not hat a hero looks like
Pretty little floer on't you sit back don and go play nice
Keep talking keep laughing
One day you'll ish you hadn't
All the people ant fire fire
Maybe it's time they meet their dragon
If you're gonna hold me don
And you're not gonna let me in
Into your castle alls
None of you can keep them
Cause if I gotta
Bu bu burn it all don
Then e'll burn it all don
My oh my look at ho end up bigger this time
And if I gotta
Bu bu break it all don
Then let's break it all don
Bye bye bye
Playing ith fire
And e burn it all don
This is here the bruises e from
This is hen the game gets ugly
These blood seat tears keep running
Licking my plate'cause I'm so hungry
Keep talking keep laughing
One day you'll see hat happens
All the people ant fire fire
It's about time they meet their dragon
If you're gonna hold me don
And you're not gonna let me in
Into your castle alls
None of you can keep them
Cause if I gotta
Bu bu burn it all don
Then e'll burn it all don
My oh my look at ho end up bigger this time
And if I gotta
Bu bu break it all don
Then let's break it all don
Bye bye bye
Playing ith fire
And e burn it all don
It starts right no
Baby you're surrounded
Put your money here your mouth is
Bury your doubts under the ground
And they gonna atch you step over the ashes
Right no I'm taking my turn ith the matches
Cause if I gotta
Bu bu burn it all don
Then e'll burn it all don
My oh my look at ho end up bigger this time
And if I gotta
Bu bu break it all don
Then let's break it all don
Bye bye bye
Playing ith fire
And e burn it all don
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