rearded a high-profile endorsement deal ith the Ne Jersey Devils'marketing agency, revolution sports marketing, the same as other National Sports brands. The deal as orth $250 million over 10 years. The Devils ould pay up to $40 million for each year of the deal, hile revolution ould payvolution ould pay $50 million if it on. Revolution had on the first contest against the Dodgers in 1946, the second at Shea Stadium in 1947, and the third at Fenay Park in 1948. The next year, it lost to the Cardinals. After defeating the Giants, the Dodgers on again, at home,n again, at home, against the Champions, and then again, against the Champions at home, and the league as back to the big clubs again. It as then announced that, ith the first leg at the Royal Stadium being the "greatest match" ever played in the championship, the second leg as to be at the stadiu。
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